Thursday, June 5, 2014

Orchard Glory Farm: Team Building Activities (By Charmian Pang)

We had a treasure hunt hosted by Uncle David for the Team Building Activities. First, we had a few trial runs to prepare ourselves for the treasure hunt. 

The first trial run was a race. We were given a list of body parts and we had to hold the baton with that body part you are assigned to. e.g: chin, ankle, elbow etc.

The second trial run requires our brain. There was a circle marked on the floor and inside the circle was a cup with items inside. We were suppose to get the items in the cup into another cup using only a few wires. But wait, it isn't as simple as that, the air inside the circle is "toxic" so we aren't allowed to get in the circle which, trust me, is VERY difficult.

Now, back to the treasure hunt. In the first stage, we were given a packet of balloons. We were suppose to blow the balloons and tape them together to make a tower taller than a chair that was provided.This stage was a little different then the others as we were allowed to copy the other team's structure. Some of us may think this was unfair, but Uncle David's purpose of adding this advantage was for us to observe the other team whenever it is possible. Just like real life, we should always observe and learn from other people.

The second stage was a challenge. We were given a packet of straws, a roll of tape and an egg. Using these materials, we had to drop the egg from Uncle David's shoulder length and made sure it didn't crack. My team thought of a brilliant idea. We used the plastic bag containing the straws and wrapped it around the egg. This taught me to think flexibly. At first, our egg cracked and we were a bit disappointed but we can't give up there. We tried different methods including wrapping the egg with the plastic bag and we succeeded!

The third stage was TIRING. We had to get 10 different type of leaves, 5 different type of fruits and count the amount of wooden steps at the wielder. Getting 10 different type of leaves and counting the amount of steps is quite easy but getting 5 different fruits is actually quite tough. We had to walk on thorny paths ,walk up steep hills etc.

The last challenge was just as tiring. We were given 2 pieces of paper each containing 9 pictures. We were suppose to use a camera and take 10 pictures that were printed on the paper. We had a hard time figuring out where are the places that were printed on the paper. At the same time while we take some pictures, we explored some places in the farm that we never knew was there. 

The winner is the first one to complete all the stages stated. My team won and received a box of eye-opening goodies. But, in order not to make the other team unhappy, Uncle David prepared a same box containing the same amount of goodies which is very nice of him.

I learned about teamwork and to have good teamwork, we need to have strong communication within the group. I also learnt that we need to observe the people around us when we have a chance. Thinking flexibly is also important: if we cannot try a method, then try a different method!

A very scenic view taken at Orchard Glory Farm!
Team building activities, everyone deep in thoughts and discussion.

How should i do this?
Teamwork makes everything much easier!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Great Article about team building activities especially for kids.. Thanks for this info... Keep updating....
